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grantor.nameUmeå Universitet
grantor.acronymUmeå University
grantor.acronymUbmeje universitiähta
grantor.acronymUniversitas Umensis

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Funded publications

  • Macnish, Kevin; Henschke, Adam (2023)
    The Covid-19 pandemic is arguably the first international emergency of the twenty-first century. In order to respond to this emergency, countries and governments around the world were forced to engage in a range of actions ...
  • Halvari, Hallgeir; Olafsen, Anja H.; Abrahamsen, Frank Eirik; Bentzen, Marte; Diseth, Åge; Farholm, Anders; Wiemann Frølund, Claus; Münster Halvari, Anne Elisabeth; Haraldsen, Heidi Marian; Lunde Hatfield, Johannes; Jeno, Lucas M.; Nelson, Jamie M.; Pedersen, Cathrine; Skjesol, Knut; Stenling, Andreas; Sørebø, Øystein; Ulstad, Svein Olav; Williams, Geoffrey; Hallgeir, Halvari; Olafsen, Anja H. (2025)
    Motivation in Focus: Self-Determination Theory, in Theory and Practice sheds light on how Self-Determination Theory (SDT) can be applied in the workplace, education, health, sports and the arts. This anthology provides a ...