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grantor.nameHøgskulen i Volda
grantor.acronymVolda University College

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Funded publications

  • Magnussen, May-Linda; Eklund Nilsen, Ann Christin; Bertelsen, Bård; Saabye Christensen, Kira; Jahreie, Josefine; Jordal, Maiken Marie; Kimathi, Eric; Košuta, Minela; Lund, Janne; Kvernmo Næss, Siri Christine; Lillehaug Pedersen, Linn-Marie; Schrøder, Siv Kristine; Steen-Johnsen, Tale; Nyheim Stray, Karianne; Mayora Synnes, Katrine; Tørrisplass, Ann-Torill; Åsheim, Hilde; Magnussen, May-Linda; Nilsen, Ann Christin (2023)
    Originally developed by the Canadian sociologist Dorothy E. Smith, institutional ethnography is an approach to research that aims to explore and challenge power relations in society. In Norway and the other Nordic countries, ...
  • Kaveh, Chalak; Endre Tafjord, Harald; Teige, Ola; Grohse, Ian Peter; Holmberg, Susann; Hasle Joranger, Terje Mikael; Krøvel, Harald J.; Okkenhaug, Inger Marie; Peksevgen, M. Şefik; Svendsen, Åsmund; Kaveh, Chalak; Endre Tafjord, Harald; Teige, Ola (2023)
    This anthology takes up the subject of border areas and contact zones, both as actual places and as analytical concepts for understanding the past. What happens when different cultures, states and people meet, and what ...
  • Brekke, Marit; Herlofsen, Brage Egil; Hjorthol, Geir; Hårstad, Stian; Reed, Beatrice G.; Rogne, Wenke Mork; Simonhjell, Nora; Stengrundet, Elin; Sørbø, Marie Nedregotten; Sørbø, Jan Inge; Neple, Anemari; Jarle Helset, Stig; Brunstad, Endre (2023)
    This issue of Skriftkultur stems from our desire to honor our good colleague Geir Hjorthol with a festschrift on the occasion of his 70th birthday. As the recipient is a professor of literature and also interested in ...

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