Chapter Lavoro pubblico come lavoro diverso
Della Rocca, Giuseppe
Mastrogiuseppe, Pierluigi
Public work has always been considered a "different work" because respond to the State and citizens through the law and administrative regulation. Insiders enjoy greater protection than in the private sector and autonomous work. Two main typologies are distinguished, administrative works, professional works, both have been subjected to a regime of collective bargaining in a content of market regulation, like wage performance relations. With those different dimensions the question is what is public work today? A process of more transparency in organization is important when public administration are considered indispensable, for Italy and for European Union, as a response to the national and international political and economic crisis.
Administrative; professional; private work; integrationDOI
9791221503197, 9791221503197Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2024Series
Studi e saggi, 257Classification
General and world history