Chapter Il lavoro degli anacoreti e dei monaci in alcune fonti agiografiche e iconografiche
The Lives of the Holy Fathers collect examples of hermits at work, mostly artisanal practices, such as the production of woven baskets, and agricultural works. Between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the theme of the work of the Desert fathers knew a peculiar iconographic fortune in Tuscany: the so-called Thebaid is depicted in frescoes and painted tables. While we still know little about the function of these decorations, it is certain that these representations constituted a practical example not only of spiritual conduct, but also of a model of life and work that the viewers put into practice on a daily basis in their religious institutions.
iconography; hagiography; hermits; desert; ThebaidDOI
9791221503197, 9791221503197Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2024Series
Studi e saggi, 257Classification
General and world history