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dc.contributor.editorMihailova, Mihaela
dc.description.abstractCoraline (Henry Selick, 2009) is stop-motion studio LAIKA's feature-length debut based on the popular children's novel by British author Neil Gaiman. Heralding a revival in global interest in stop-motion animation, the film is both an international cultural phenomenon and a breakthrough moment in the technological evolution of the craft. This open access collection brings together an international group of practitioners and scholars to examine Coraline’s place in animation history and culture, dissect its politics, and unpack its role in the technological and aesthetic development of its medium. More broadly, it celebrates stop motion as a unique and enduring artform while embracing its capacity to evolve in response to cultural, political, and technological changes, as well as shifting critical and audience demands. Divided into three sections, this volume’s chapters situate Coraline within an interconnected network of historical, industrial, discursive, theoretical, and cultural contexts. They place the film in conversation with the medium’s aesthetic and technological history, broader global intellectual and political traditions, and questions of animation reception and spectatorship. In doing so, they invite recognition – and appreciation – of the fact that Coraline occupies many liminal spaces at once. It straddles the boundary between children’s entertainment and traditional ‘adult’ genres, such as horror and thriller. It complicates a seemingly straight(forward) depiction of normative family life with gestures of queer resistance. Finally, it marks a pivotal point in stop-motion animation’s digital turn. Following the film’s recent tenth anniversary, the time is right to revisit its production history, evaluate its cultural and industry impact, and celebrate its legacy as contemporary stop-motion cinema’s gifted child. As the first book-length academic study of this contemporary animation classic, this volume serves as an authoritative introduction and a primary reference on the film for scholars, students, practitioners, and animation fans. The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on
dc.relation.ispartofseriesAnimation: Key Films/Filmmakers
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AT Performing arts::ATF Films, cinema::ATFV Animated films and animationen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YN Children’s / Teenage: General interest::YNF Children’s / Teenage general interest: Television, video and filmen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::A The Arts::AT Performing arts::ATF Films, cinema::ATFA Film history, theory or criticismen_US
dc.subject.otherneil gailman
dc.subject.otherneil gaiman graphic novel
dc.subject.otherneil gaiman books
dc.subject.othergraphic novel
dc.subject.othergraphic book
dc.subject.otherneil gailman norse mythology
dc.subject.otherneil gailman childrens books
dc.subject.othercomic books
dc.subject.otherchildren's books
dc.subject.otherchildren's illustrators
dc.title.alternativeA Closer Look at Studio LAIKA’s Stop-Motion Witchcraft
oapen.imprintBloomsbury Academic
oapen.pages296 York

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