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dc.contributor.authorMarafioti, Oksana
dc.contributor.authorMartín Sevillano, Ana Belén
dc.contributor.authorShaw, Martin
dc.contributor.authorvon Hagen, Kirsten
dc.contributor.authorKledzik, Emilia
dc.contributor.authorHomann, Florian
dc.contributor.authorToninato, Paola
dc.contributor.authorBauer, Sidonia
dc.contributor.authorParente-Capková, Viola
dc.contributor.editorFrench, Lorely
dc.contributor.editorHertrampf, Marina Ortrud
dc.description.abstractThe history of written Romani literature is only about 100 years old, and thus Romani literatures are still being defined and consolidated. At least two special features characterize this young literature: on the one hand, it is a multilingual diasporic world literature that often can be characterized as engaged literature and tries to deconstruct various age-old stereotypes of the minority. On the other hand, female authors play a strikingly prominent role. Female authors frequently achieve visibility with their texts on the national book markets. Some authors appear in their own texts as committed feminists and/or human rights activists. For other authors, sexuality and gender play a less prominent role in their works. Additionally, women often also play very central roles in texts by male authors. Therefore, this volume aims to explore the different facets of Romani literatures on two interrelated axes. First, the essays explore the status of several diverse works as transnational world literature. Second, the contributions examine the significance of writing as a form of social engagement and self-empowerment. What emerges is the observation that mainly women authors have been speaking out and standing up for their rights as women and Romnya.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesÄsthetik(en) der Roma – Selbst- und Fremdrepräsentationenen_US
dc.subject.otherRoma literatures; Engaged World Literature; Uriah Burton; Núria León de Santiago; Malgorzata Mirga-Tas; Ceija Stojka; Sally Cortés Santiago; Kiba Lumberg; Flamenco Lyrics by Romnja Performers; Romani Femininity; Writings of Romani Holocausten_US
dc.titleApproaches to a “new" World Literatureen_US
dc.title.alternativeRomani Literature(s) as (re-)writing and self-empowermenten_US

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