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dc.contributor.authorKnutstad, Unni
dc.contributor.authorLarsen, Kristian
dc.contributor.authorJensen, Kari Toverud
dc.contributor.authorAverlid, Gertrud
dc.contributor.authorKvinge Augustin, Hanna
dc.contributor.authorBernild, Camilla
dc.contributor.authorBlomberg, Karin
dc.contributor.authorChristiansen, Bjørg
dc.contributor.authorErichsen, Torunn
dc.contributor.authorHansen, Sylvia
dc.contributor.authorKolås Henriksen, Lars Peder
dc.contributor.authorHessevaagbakke, Elisabeth
dc.contributor.authorHougaard, Peter Forde
dc.contributor.authorHøium, Kari
dc.contributor.authorJensen, Trude Lokhaug
dc.contributor.authorKvalvaag, Heidi M.
dc.contributor.authorHolm Larsen, Monica
dc.contributor.authorSandholm Larsen, Niels
dc.contributor.authorLindeflaten, Katrin
dc.contributor.authorMarchen, Roger
dc.contributor.authorMathar, Helle
dc.contributor.authorStorebø Opheim, Helene M.
dc.contributor.authorPettersen, Kjell Sverre
dc.contributor.authorLindfield Solberg, Melissa
dc.contributor.authorTørris, Christine
dc.contributor.authorUlfsby, Kirsten Jacobsen
dc.contributor.authorØygarden, Anne-Martha Utne
dc.contributor.editorKnutstad, Unni
dc.contributor.editorLarsen, Kristian
dc.contributor.editorJensen, Kari Toverud
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this anthology is to present current educational research that draws attention to didactics, more specifically to the need for didactic research in health-related subject areas. The anthology is the result of work within the Learning and Interaction research group at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Oslo Metropolitan University and also includes contributions from partners at University College Copenhagen and Rigshospitalet Copenhagen. The anthology analyzes an educational experiment in which the transition between education and professional practice is the main theme. Furthermore, it explores reflections on key concepts and discussions within subject didactics, such as whether there is too much practical training in nursing education, complexity in clinical work and health communication. Additional themes addressed in the book inlude various teaching activities, such as the use of technology and learning assistants, and local curricula for learning and assessment in practical studies.en_US
dc.languageNorwegian Bokmålen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursingen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing::MB Medicine: general issues::MBN Public health and preventive medicine::MBNH Personal and public health / health educationen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNA Philosophy and theory of educationen_US
dc.subject.otherdidactic innovations in higher education, interventions in education, health competencies, technology in higher education, learning outcomes, nurse education, didaktikk i helsefagene, helsekompetanse, intervensjoner i utdanning, lokale læreplaner, sykepleierutdanningen_US
dc.titleFagdidaktiske temaer i helsefageneen_US
oapen.abstract.otherlanguageMålet med denne antologien er å presentere aktuell pedagogisk forskning for å rette oppmerksomhet mot didaktikk, mer spesifikt mot behovet for fagdidaktisk forskning i helsefagene. Antologien er utarbeidet innenfor forskningsgruppen Læring og samhandling ved Fakultet for helsevitenskap ved OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet. Vi har også inkludert samarbeidspartnere fra Københavns Professionshøjskole og Rigshospitalet København. Antologien tar for seg et utdanningseksperiment hvor overgangen mellom utdanning og yrke er hovedtema. Videre tar den for seg refleksjoner over sentrale begreper og diskusjoner innenfor fagdidaktikk, som om det er for mye praksis i sykepleierutdanningen, kompleksitet i klinisk arbeid og helsekommunikasjon. Ulike undervisningsaktiviteter som bruk av teknologi og læringsassistenter er et tema blir behandlet, og til slutt lokale læreplaner for læring og vurdering i praksisstudier.en_US
oapen.remark.publicFunder name: OsloMet – storbyuniversitetets publiseringsfond

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