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dc.contributor.authorBernardini, Maria Giulia
dc.description.abstractFor the elderly, the right to choose where and with whom to live takes on special significance: it is related to the overcoming of ageism, of which both paternalism and a segregationist and institutionalizing approach to old age are part. Nevertheless, so far, the multilevel politics concerning active and healthy aging, the right to independent living, the ageing in place and the transition to ""new"" models of welfare have not really been able to remedy the exclusion experienced by many older people socially and in the urban context. For this reason, the elderly’s right to the (age-friendly) city is still, at least in part, not adequately guaranteed. The essays collected in this volume are the outcome of an interdisciplinary research focused primarily on the municipality of Ferrara (one of the Italian cities most affected by population aging) but have also a more general relevance. They aim at reflecting on the complex intertwining of the needs and rights of the elderly population and, in particular, on their right to lead a life of dignity and independence (also) within the urban context.en_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JK Social services and welfare, criminology::JKS Social welfare and social services::JKSG Care of the elderlyen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JP Politics and government::JPS International relations::JPSN International institutionsen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1Q Other geographical groupings: Oceans and seas, historical, political etc::1QF Political, socio-economic, cultural and strategic groupings::1QFE EU (European Union)en_US
dc.subject.otheractive ageing, age-friendly city, ageism, elderly, independent living, welfareen_US
dc.titleAnziani e diritto all’abitareen_US
dc.title.alternativeBisogni, diritti e prospettive tra locale e universaleen_US
oapen.remark.publicFunder name: Volume published thanks to the 5x1000 2019 funds allocated to the Bando Giovani Ricercatori of the University of Ferrara

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