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dc.contributor.authorBassi, Andrea
dc.contributor.authorFabbri, Alessandro
dc.contributor.authorBriola, Gianpietro
dc.description.abstractBlood is not trivial; it questions the most intimate representations of human nature and is at the center of our imagination as human beings. Blood donation calls into question the body's status very concretely; It is the vehicle of our life and cannot be substituted or artificially synthesized. It highlights the very concepts of gift-giving and altruism. Blood, therefore, defines man and the society in which he lives, and it is probably why all cultures constantly refer to the metaphorical power of blood. Whether communities are defined around a sacrifice that guarantees them divine protection or whether it is a question of hereditary characteristics, in all cases, the reference to blood establishes the social bond. For this reason, it is a subject that the social sciences cannot neglect. In this regard, many scholars have pointed out that the ways and forms through which blood collection, storage, and distribution are organized in a given society represent a decisive indicator for assessing its institutions' moral and civil development. This volume is part of this rich line of studies. It is aimed at illustrating and commenting on the results of a sample survey on young blood donors (18-35 years old) associated with AVIS, framing them in the context of the scientific debate on the gift and the role it plays in complex societies, starting from the founding and pioneering contribution of Richard Titmuss. The volume is aimed at scholars of the Third Sector, university students - providing them with an example of quantitative empirical research carried out with the CAWI technique - as well as all those who work in the field of health and social-welfare policies, to whom it offers numerous ideas for the implementation of promotional interventions.en_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JK Social services and welfare, criminology::JKS Social welfare and social services::JKSN Social work::JKSN1 Charities, voluntary services and philanthropyen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JK Social services and welfare, criminology::JKS Social welfare and social servicesen_US
dc.subject.otherblood donation; gift; giving; youth; third sector; volunteeren_US
dc.titleIl dono di sé, dono per gli altrien_US
dc.title.alternativeTra civismo e solidarietà: indagine sui giovani donatori AVISen_US

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