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dc.contributor.authorSivesind, Kirsten
dc.contributor.authorHansen, Petteri
dc.contributor.authorHörmann, Bernadette
dc.contributor.authorJohnsen, Lars G.
dc.contributor.authorKarseth, Berit
dc.contributor.authorMagnússon, Gunnlaugur
dc.contributor.authorTiplic, Dijana
dc.contributor.editorSivesind, Kirsten
dc.description.abstractEducation policy has a significant impact on how kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions are run. In working with these institutions, it is interesting to study how power is legitimized and managed. How to Study Education Policy: Texts, Theories and Approaches presents a range of academic and methodological strategies for studying this field. In addition to nuanced academic subject traditions, the authors present qualitative and comparative approaches to document studies and expert interviews. The anthology provides a number of examples of different ways of carrying out studies, including digital and practice-based analyses. It addresses questions about the role of theory and how research is best reported. A central theme is the importance of evidence and expertise in education policy and reform work, a field that the authors have explored through the POLNET project (Policy Knowledge and Lesson Drawing in Nordic School Reform in an Era of International Comparison). This book will be of interest to academics, experts in the field, education students, teacher educators and public sector employees.en_US
dc.languageNorwegian Bokmålen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Educationen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JND Educational systems and structuresen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNF Educational strategies and policyen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JN Education::JNK Educational administration and organizationen_US
dc.subject.othereducation policy, educational reforms, governance, expert interviews, document analysis, knowledge use, evidence, expertise, comparative studies, digital analyses, bibliographic networks, utdanningspolitikk, utdanningsreformer, styring, ekspertintervjuer, dokumentanalyse, kunnskapsbruk, evidens, ekspertise, sammenliknende studier, digitale analyser, bibliografiske nettverken_US
dc.titleHvordan studere utdanningspolitikk?en_US
dc.title.alternativeTekster, teorier, tilnærmingeren_US
oapen.abstract.otherlanguageUtdanningspolitikk har stor betydning for hvordan barnehager, skoler og andre pedagogiske institusjoner drives. I arbeidet med disse institusjonene er det interessant å studere hvordan makt legitimeres og forvaltes. Hvordan studere utdanningspolitikk? Tekster, teorier, tilnærminger presenterer en rekke faglige og metodiske tilnærminger for å studere utdanningspolitikk. I tillegg til å nyansere akademiske fagtradisjoner, presenterer forfatterne kvalitative og komparative tilnærminger til dokumentstudier og ekspertintervjuer. Boken gir en rekke eksempler på hvordan studier kan gjennomføres, inkludert digitale og praksisbaserte analyser. Den tar opp spørsmål om teoriens plass i studier og hvordan forskningen kan og bør rapporteres. Et sentralt tema er betydningen av evidens og ekspertise i utdanningspolitikk og reformarbeid, et fagfelt som forfatterne har utforsket gjennom POLNET-prosjektet (Policy Knowledge and Lesson Drawing in Nordic School Reform in an Era of International Comparison). Boken henvender seg til akademikere, fageksperter, pedagogikkstudenter, lærerutdannere og ansatte i offentlig sektor.en_US
oapen.grant.programPolicy Knowledge and Lesson Drawing in Nordic School Reform in an Era of International Comparison

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