Chapter Il cammino di un lavoro catalografico: il ricordo di un tratto di strada lungo un decennio
This contribution recounts ten years of training and cataloguing activities carried out in URBE, within the framework of the program to redevelop the Network's catalogs and enhance the knowledge of cataloguers. The narrative, in the first person, focuses on the most significant aspects of the evolutionary path that precedes the design and implementation of Parsifal: from the introduction of the MARC 21 format to the adoption of RDA for the compilation of bibliographic and authority records.
cataloguing; metadata; MARC 21; RDADOI
9791221503562, 9791221503562Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2024Series
Biblioteche & bibliotecari / Libraries & librarians, 10Classification
Library, archive and information management
Bibliographic and subject control
Archiving, preservation and digitization