Chapter Per una ‘epigrafia comunicata’: itinerari epigrafici nella Roma medievale (XI-XV secolo)
The paper illustrates the strategies of a “communicated epigraphy” to the public, adopted in the Sapienza University of Rome project Compitare per via: itineraria epigrafici digitali nella Roma medievale (XI-XV secolo), for which I am the Scientific Director. Using new tools (including the “exploded digital cast”), the micro-stories entrusted to the stone will be read, to trace thematic epigraphic itineraries aimed at recreating the same mechanisms of communicative effectiveness of the past time on the modern user, in order to overcome the well-known dichotomy between epigraphy used as main medium of communication in the ancient world and epigraphy hardly intelligible to the modern eye and which must therefore be “communicated”.
Medieval Epigraphy; Medieval Rome; 'Communicated Epigraphy'; ‘Exploded digital cast’DOI
9791221503760, 9791221503760Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2024Series
Strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca, 225Classification
Archaeology by period / region