Chapter La documentazione archeosismologica dell’edilizia storica in aree a rischio sismico: primi dati dalla ricognizione e dall’analisi di alcuni casi studio del centro storico di Firenze
The historic center of Florence was involved in 2016-2018 by a two-year project focused on the archaeoseismological reading of some buildings, with the aim of collecting information for a first evaluation on the presence or absence of visible effects on the architecture related to possible historical earthquakes, particularly from the medieval period, which hit the city. The article presents some reflections starting from two exceptionally interesting case studies: the church of San Remigio and the church of Santa Trinita. The contribution is the result of extensive and multidisciplinary research, which began with a rereading of numerous written sources contemporary and subsequent to the main seismic events, a bibliographical analysis of published texts regarding the history and seismology of Florence, a broad survey of the context of study and, finally, with the survey and archaeoseismological analysis of the two buildings mentioned above.
Archaeosismology; Historic BuildingDOI
9791221503760, 9791221503760Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2024Series
Strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca, 225Classification
Archaeology by period / region