Chapter Site Custody Activism: Sine qua non dell’‘Archeologia di comunità’
My goal with this chapter is to share our experience at Tall Hisban in Jordan with what I have chosen to call site custody activism or simply SCA. After introducing the notion of SCA, I briefly examine the historical role of overseas institutions with regard to the custody and care of archaeological sites. Next, I describe SCA activities initiated by Andrews University at Hisban in Jordan and offer some observations on the connection between SCA and the broader field of international community development. I also critically examining the role of narrative in SCA and conclude by offering a brief coda on what’s ahead for community archaeology and SCA in Jordan and beyond.
Community archaeology; Global history; Cultural heritage management; Hisban; Jordan; Site custody activism; Site managementDOI
9791221503760, 9791221503760Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2024Series
Strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca, 225Classification
Archaeology by period / region