Chapter 7-6 mila anni fa in area fiorentina: tradizioni locali, migrazioni, interazioni
The transition from hunter-gatherer economies to Neolithic productive ones is a crucial moment that sees profound changes in the social, ideological and productive structures, differentiated in the various European regions in relation to the methods of integration between traditions and innovations. The Florentine area, within the Tuscan sector and central Italy, is not exempt from these changes. The archaeological documentation, from a multidisciplinary perspective that combines the most strictly historical aspects with those linked to the man/environment relationship, highlights a scenario in which the local Mesolithic traditions are grafted and merged with the technological and productive innovations brought by foreign groups. As in other Tuscan areas, the specific identities remain partly recognizable within a physiognomy that marks the beginning of a new original path.
Neolithic; Neolithic Ceramics; Migrations and local traditionsDOI
9791221503760, 9791221503760Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2024Series
Strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca, 225Classification
Archaeology by period / region