Chapter Palatium communis. Riflessioni sui centri del potere nella città basso medievale alla luce dell’archeologia
The contribution, taking inspiration from the context of the city of Leopoli-Cencelle, which has returned the remains of the late medieval public palace, intends to provide some food for thought on this category of buildings for which an extensive bibliography of historical studies is available, but which they are still only marginally treated from an archaeological point of view today. We will try to highlight the new elements and peculiarities of an archaeological approach, both as regards the layout, the construction methods, the functions, and the insertion into the urban context of the late medieval city and the relationship with the pre-existences.
City plan and development studies; high Middle Ages; public building; high ranking buildingDOI
9791221503760, 9791221503760Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2024Series
Strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca, 225Classification
Archaeology by period / region