Chapter Libertà e non conformismo religioso: alcune riflessioni a margine per i secoli XII-XIII
The author revisits the issue of religious "non-conformism" by focusing attention on the passage, between the 12th and 13th centuries, in which the overlap between Christian heresies and other religions was determined. Compared to the conciliar and papal pronouncements regarding orthodoxy and heresy, the author favors the analysis of canon law to reconstruct the delimitations that delimited the space of dissent and repression: a coherent semantic development emerges, from a legal perspective, around the libertas religionis and libertas Ecclesiae and in relation to two other key words: tolerantia and iurisdictio. In this way the Church came to identify in the sacrament of baptism the unequivocal act of belonging to Christian society and the 'duty' repression of dissent.
Orthodoxy; Dissent; Ecclesiastical freedom; Religious freedom; Tolerance.DOI
9791221503821, 9791221503821Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2024Series
Centro di Studi sulla Civiltà del Tardo Medioevo San Miniato, 16Classification
General and world history