Chapter Le adozioni a distanza del Foster Parents’ Plan: aiuti americani nell’Italia in trasformazione (1947-1969)
From 1947 to 1969, when Italy still had severe disparities and vast pockets of deprivation, the Foster Parents' Plan (FPP), an international organization, operated to support children who were victims of war – abandoned, refugees or orphans –, creating “personal bonds” with foster parents who supported them from a distance. The first activities of the Plan were aimed at those admitted to institutions, but soon it was dedicated, through tested organizational methods, to helping children living with their families, aiming not only at their mere subsistence, but by enabling them to provide for themselves and become active members of the community
Child sponsorship; Post-World War II era; Voluntary organisations; Italy in Cold War; Long-distance AdoptionDOI
9791221503890, 9791221503890Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2024Series
Biblioteca di storia, 47Classification
General and world history