Chapter “Just like home.” The Words of online hospitality
In 2015, the Singa association created Calm (Comme à la maison "Just like home”), an internet platform for connecting refugees who are looking for housing with private individuals. The analysis of its archives and different versions provides information on both the expressions of online hospitality and the role of digital tools in facilitating hosting and accommodation. While this innovative interactive directory is based on state-of-the-art tools, it also challenges their limitations, namely the algorithmic temptation that its implementation may reflect, meaning the attempt to automate what is contained within the fluctuating realm of human relations.
refugee crisis; online hospitality; techno-solutionismDOI
9791221504132, 9791221504132Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2024Series
Proceedings e report, 138Classification
Library, archive and information management
Bibliographic and subject control
Archiving, preservation and digitization