Chapter Multi-level structure of the First Tuesday communities after the 2000 dot-com crash: A social network analysis of economic actors based on web archives
The First Tuesday initiative began in the UK in 1998. This series of monthly meetings between IT entrepreneurs and investors played a key role in the development of the new digital economy. In this chapter, we use First Tuesday meetings as empirical proxies to analyze the social system of the economic actors who survived the 2000 dot-com crash. To this end, we delve into the raw web archives of the website in order to reconstruct the social network of First Tuesday attendees. Our analysis reveals that the First Tuesday community was, on one hand, regionally decentralized (both online and offline), but on the other hand, organized in two transnational groups of actors: the financial block and the technological block.
first tuesday; financial web; social network analysis; web cernes; stochastic block modelsDOI
9791221504132, 9791221504132Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2024Series
Proceedings e report, 138Classification
Library, archive and information management
Bibliographic and subject control
Archiving, preservation and digitization