Chapter Evel Gasparini: per un profilo dell’uomo e dello studioso
The paper traces the scientific path of Evel Gasparini, from his student years in Padua until the end of his academic career, half a century later, still in Padua. We have also unearthed some of his special traits as a person that bear on his fate as a scholar as well. From his thesis with Maver on Dostoevskij, to the important work Slavic Matriarchy and finally returning to Russian literature with his last article, published posthumously, on the judgment of Nabokov on Gogol's Old world landowners, all the works that Gasparini left us were always dictated by a strong impulse for knowledge and a deep artistic sensibility. As an appendix to our article, Remo Faccani, who was Gasparini’s pupil and admirer, has provided us with some valuable remarks for a careful reading of Slavic Matriarchy.
History of Slavic Studies; University of Padua; Evel Gasparini; Russian Literature; EthnologyDOI
9791221504750, 9791221504750Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2024Series
Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici, 57Classification
Literature: history and criticism