Imported or submitted locally: Recent submissions
Now showing items 341-360 of 5944
(2024)The First Tuesday initiative began in the UK in 1998. This series of monthly meetings between IT entrepreneurs and investors played a key role in the development of the new digital economy. In this chapter, we use First ...
(2024)The chapter reconstructs a brief history of online commenting, based on the position comments have to journalistic articles on news websites. Its key assumption is derived from paratext theory: Changes in spatial and ...
(2024)This chapter demonstrates how the use of a national web archive in hyperlinked network analyses may prove an indispensable source when conducting not only historical but also contemporary analyses of a given website. Our ...
(2024)This chapter presents the generation of a web archive corpus with the purpose of studying the development of Danish public sector websites from 2010 to 2022. Websites constitute an important element in shaping electronic ...
(2024)This research examines the role of the user in shaping and defining participatory platforms during the early years of the internet and the web. The focus of the study is Luxusbuerg, a Luxembourgish chat network created in ...
(2024)Web archives enjoy an increasing awareness and usefulness across a range of fields and disciplines, contributing to historical studies with archived web material, but also about the internet. Knowing how the web is imagined ...
(2024)In 1998, the Getty Center hosted the "Time and Bits: Managing Digital Continuity" conference, gathering the founders and thinkers of two San Francisco non-profit organizations interested in long-term thinking and archiving: ...
(2024)Web archives represent a huge opportunity for new types of research, offering possibilities for mining and analysis in many scientific disciplines. However, technical, legal, and methodological barriers can prevent researchers ...
(2024)This chapter analyzes the COVID-19 web collections of Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAM) across Europe. As the pandemic reshaped the digital landscape, these institutions have worked to archive web content ...
(2024)The decision-making algorithms embedded within online platforms are determining content shown to users. This personalization steers the dissemination of information, in contrast with the idea of a universal World Wide Web. ...
(2024)Social media has become an important digital space where individuals can participate in ongoing global discussions and document instances of historical events. Social media offers marginalized communities a means to express ...
(2024)The barriers trans and non-binary people in the UK face when accessing healthcare have been well documented in recent years, and a proliferation of sites produced by and for trans communities have emerged to bridge the ...
(2024)The National Library of Tunisia had undertaken the digitization of written heritage and the "heritagization" of digital documents. To meet the second requirement, a web archiving unit was created outside the legal deposit ...
(2024)In 2015, the Singa association created Calm (Comme à la maison "Just like home”), an internet platform for connecting refugees who are looking for housing with private individuals. The analysis of its archives and different ...