Understanding Education for the Visually Impaired
Ferreira, Ronél
Sefotho, Maximus Monaheng
Bornman, Juan
Botha, Karien
Diale, Boitumelo Molegogeng
Ferreira-Prevost, Judite
Greyvenstein, Inneke
Heard, Ann
Manis, Maesala
Mays, Tony
Ferreira, Ronél (editor)
Sefotho, Maximus Monaheng (editor)
The contribution that this book makes to scholarship is regarded as ground-breaking, as it is based on recent research conducted with teachers on the ground-level, as well as on research and experiences of practitioners, gained over many years. In this volume, Understanding education for the visually impaired, the focus falls on understanding visual impairment within the South African context, more specifically on what the education of these learners entails. In addition to the contribution to existing literature in the fields of inclusive education and visual impairment, the publication has practical application value for teachers and practitioners who work with and support such learners.
Blind learners; Disability; Inclusive education; Low vision learners; Vision impairment; Inclusion; TeachingDOI
9781928523765, 9781928523772, 9781928523789Publisher
AOSISPublisher website
https://books.aosis.co.za/index.php/obPublication date and place
Durbanville, 2020Series
Opening Eyes, 1Classification
Teaching of specific groups & persons with special educational needs
Teaching of physically disabled students
Teaching of students with different educational needs
Teaching of students with physical impairments or disabilities
Relating to people with mobility or physical disabilities or impairments