Model Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading II
Tobita, Tetsuo (editor)
Ichii, Koji (editor)
Ueda, Kyohei (editor)
This open access book presents work collected through the Liquefaction Experiments and Analysis Projects (LEAP) in 2019 (LEAP-ASIA-2019) following the LEAP-UCD-2017 whose results have been published as a first volume. In addition to the research targets set in the previous one, such as the repeatability, variability, and sensitivity of lateral spreading on mildly sloping liquefiable sand, this volume includes research efforts to validate the generalized scaling law (hereafter “GSL”) for the identical prototype with the one employed in UCD-2017. In LEAP-ASIA-2019, 10 institutes around the world conducted 23 tests in total. It was the first multi-institutional attempts to investigate the validity of the generalized scaling law for the saturated sandy sloping deposit with wide range of initial conditions. The experimental data provided a unique basis for assessing the capabilities of six different simulation platforms for numerical simulation of soil liquefaction. The results of the experiments and the numerical simulations are presented and discussed in papers submitted by the project participants.
Liquefaction Experiments and Analysis Projects; Soil liquefaction; centrifuge experimental results; Soil Model; Earthquake Excitation; Ground Failure; Numerical Simulation; University of California at Davis; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Cambridge University (UK); Kyoto University (Japan); NCU (Taiwan); Zhejiang University (China); IFSTTAR (France); KAIST and KWater (South Korea)DOI
9783031488214, 9783031488207, 9783031488214Publisher
Springer NaturePublisher website date and place
Cham, 2024Imprint
Springer International PublishingClassification
Structural engineering
Earth sciences
Computer modelling and simulation
Soil and rock mechanics