Antirasismer och antirasister
Realistiska utopier, spänningar och vardagserfarenheter
Krifors, Karin (editor)
Sältenberg, Hansabin (editor)
Mulinari, Diana (editor)
Neergaard, Anders (editor)
In the book Anti-Racisms and Anti-Racists. Realistic utopias, tensions and everyday experiences, 24 researchers explore how resistance to various forms of racism is pursued and embodied among groups of people who dream beyond racism in a variety of ways, often contradictory, rarely successful, but always stubborn and forward-looking. The anthology illustrates the breadth of anti-racism, but also analyses its problems and weaknesses.
Inspired by anti-, post- and decolonial traditions, among others, together with social movement perspectives, the anthology challenges a static and essentialising approach found in research and policy that tends to emphasise the stability and immutability of inequality, even in the case of racism.
In addition to a variety of concrete analyses and descriptions of historical and contemporary activism, the various authors also show the possibilities of anti-racism and can thus provide some hope, in these dark times, for those who want a society without racism.
Academic co-ordinator is Mattias Gardell, Uppsala universitet.
Social justice; Ethnicity & Indigeneity; Migrants & refugees; Racism; Antiracist; AntiracismDOI
9789174450606, 9789174451092Publisher
KriteriumPublication date and place
Ethnic studies
Social and cultural anthropology
Gender studies, gender groups