Chapter ‘Educare in Europa’ ed ‘educare all’Europa’: profilo professionale e competenze del docente europeo
After thirty years of political cooperation in the field of education and training, the framework of competences required of the "European teacher" has not yet been defined at European Union level, i.e. of a teacher who, while working in a national education system, has a transnational professional profile and is competent to translate the European dimension of teaching into his or her teaching practice. The aim of our research project is to define the profile of common competences qualifying the distinctly European dimension of the teaching profession, whatever the level of education and the subject area, and in which the whole "European teaching and learning community" within the Common European Educational Area can potentially be recognised.
European dimension of teaching; European teacher; Teacher competencesDOI
9791221505047, 9791221505047Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2024Series
Studies on Adult Learning and Education, 19Classification
Philosophy and theory of education