Ritual Voices of Revelation
The Origin Narratives of the Rotenese of Eastern Indonesia
This is a study of a collection of oral compositions of the Rotenese of eastern Indonesia. Recited in semantic parallelism, these compositions require a strict pairing of all words to produce correspondingly ordered verses. These narrative verses create an elevated discourse—a 'scriptural voice'—intended to reveal the origins of Rotenese cultural life. The translations and exegeses of these origin narratives offer a work of world-class poetic imagination that recounts a dynastic contest between the Sun and Moon and Lords of the Ocean Sea and its epic consequences. As background to the presentation of these narratives, this study provides a description of Rotenese life expressed in the complementary pairs that the Rotenese themselves use to categorise their world. A concluding chapter examines the Rotenese acquisition of Christianity and the subsequent retelling of the Biblical Genesis in Rotenese parallel verse, thus continuing the general examination of the use of parallelism as elevated ritual discourse. Gathered from poets from two domains on the island, most of these compositions date from fieldwork in 1965–66 and in 1973. The publication of these materials represents the summation of more than fifty years of research.
Rotenese; Eastern Indonesia; origin narratives; narrative verseDOI
9781760466589, 9781760466572, 9781760466589Publisher
ANU PressPublisher website
https://press.anu.edu.au/Publication date and place
Canberra, 2024Imprint
ANU PressClassification
Semantics, discourse analysis, stylistics
Social and cultural anthropology
Oral history